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Case Studies

License Renewal Management with Salesforce

Business Challenge

The leading Software Distributor in India used Salesforce to track and initiate renewal opportunities of their vendor licenses sold through their channels. They had the following challenges in managing it manually:

  • Vendor licenses were sent through email. The email embedded all the information related to Licenses, such as license number, start date, end date, and end customer information.
  • They were receiving hundreds of license emails per day
  • Daily, they had to check these emails, extract license information from the email, log in to their Salesforce Application, and create or modify the existing Salesforce Opportunity record associated with this license.
  • Further, different license formats added up to the complexity
  • This was a very tedious, repeated, and laborious job, and it ended up with a large queue of unhandled license emails
  • Their Salesforce opportunity updates were behind by two to three months, leading to missed sales opportunities
  • Oversights due to human interactions
  • High cost of operations
Business Objectives

Automate their current renewal license management process to eliminate human intervention with minimum impact to the existing processes with the following objectives:

  • Keep their Salesforce opportunities data up-to-date and thereby eliminating missed out deals
  • Reduce the burden on employees to learn new tools and technologies
  • Reduce operational cost by decreasing resources needed for manual processes
  • Improve staff productivity by reducing monotonous tasks
  • Provide faster reports to management with facility to quickly access past reports

IntelliBuddies has been used to automate the renewal license management processes to achieve the set objectives. IntelliBuddies has been deployed to perform the following activities:

  • Our Buddy, daily, reads the license emails received from the vendors, classifies the license format, extracts the license information, and pushes the data into the license database
  • Logs into their Salesforce portal and searches for the appropriate Opportunity based on the selection criteria
  • If found, updates the Opportunity with license data extracted from the email
  • If not found, creates a new Opportunity with license data extracted from the email
  • Attaches the license email to Opportunity record for future references
  • Routing all the exceptions occurred during data extraction to human agents and allowing them to clean up the data where necessary
  • Prepares and sends a daily report to the Sales Manager through email
  • Prepares and sends excel based monthly report to the Sales Manager through email on the first day of the following month
Competitive Analysis
  • IntelliBuddies non-invasive approach to read their license emails from Office-365 outlook account and process them to extract license information proved to the customer that automation is possible on such processes too
  • IntelliBuddies seamless integration with Salesforce ensured that the process could be automated quickly and provide the needed ROI to the customer
  • IntelliBuddies ease of use of automation solution ensured that the customer did not have to learn new tools and technologies, and it did provide all kinds of support needed by the customer to go live

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