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Flight cancellation and rescheduling

by:    08/09/2021    Source: Intelli Buddies

Airline cancellation by N/A is licensed under Unsplash

IntelliBuddies®and Flight Cancellation, rescheduling

Flight cancellation and rescheduling

Handling flight cancellation has been a formidable challenge in the airline industry, not only from the cash perspective but also that of customer experience. Hub and spoke model adds to the woes of airlines, as most of the long hauls include connecting flights. Typical cancellation process takes around 20 minutes of time to complete. In addition, Airline industries also have to deal with rescheduling in such cases. Hub model followed by airliners make the task of rescheduling cumbersome as there are more choices for the customers to choose from among to connect.

IntelliBuddies® in Action

  • Automated Flight Cancellation
    Unattended Buddy in IntelliBuddies® monitors receiving emails for cancellation. Upon receiving emails, Buddy pulls up relevant information, verifies passenger name record (PNR) against refund application form. Using out-of-the-box connectors, Buddy collects data related to booking such as itinerary, airline rewards, various coupon statuses. IntelliBuddies® platform provides support for business rules to compute refund amount and commission. Buddies issue either e-voucher or trigger refund process with its payment system based on customer choice.
  • Automated Flight Rescheduling
    IntelliBuddies® platform provides hosts of the out-of-the-box connectors. Unattended Buddies use appropriate connectors and monitors flight cancellation or delays. Buddies opens up all available replacements for flights using such parameters as lay over.

IntelliBuddies® powered by its Buddies and infused AI, ML, streamlines refund and rescheduling in case of flight cancellation or delays, makes it faster and hence results in higher customer satisfaction.

[1] Airline cancellation by N/A is licensed Unsplash